Friday, October 23, 2009

Back Again

Well, this is why I was leary about starting a blog. When was the last time that I wrote anything? Days ago, that's when. Well, let's see. Gabby amazes me more and more everyday. She has an amazing body and is getting so strong and confident in all she does. She was showing my tricks on the monkey bars and I about ripped out my arms trying to do the glider. She is reading up a storm and enjoying it! That is her homework every night, to read for 20 minutes. Andy and I work in her classroom on Fridays stuffing the Friday Folders. When we leave we usually see her class coming back from music and we always stop for a hug. Today as she was walking back down the hallway she hollered, "Mommy, did you know that there are 206 bones in the human body?!" The look on her face said how proud she was that she could tell me that. I just thought, "She's growing up and there is nothing I can do about it." She also said the other day, "Mom, do you know its been days since you vacuumed?" At that point I thought, "Who's the mom?"
Andy takes things so literally it is really cute! We went pumpkin picking with Head Start and he got to wear his new rain boots cause it was really muddy. When we got back on the hayride I said, 'Wow, you really broke in your new boots today." He looked most seriously at his boots and said, "No broke mama."

Tonight we are snug as bugs in our house... eating pizza and watching, "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything." Gabby doesn't remember seeing this with her cousins last year sometime. That does seem long ago.

Oh, the biggest news! We put most of our garden to bed.... The boxes are still growing parsnips, leeks and radishes and we have one small section of green beans left. Andy and I spread our the lyme and then he watered the lyme. Boy, did he love that! The next day Gabby had just as much fun spreading out the Winter Rye and then watering it. Then Andrue tried to play a trick on us and say, "The seeds are already growing!" He had taken clippings from the grass he was also cutting that day and sprinkled them over the seeds.

Ok, my hands are tired. More later.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gabby came home today feeling very tired and had a slight tummy ache, but said she did not feel like she was going to be sick. She had about a half a banana for dinner and then went to bed. When Andy was done with his dinner he ran to his room and found one of his most special toys, Little Red Dragon, and flew into Gabby's room to present it to her with the most sweetest sound, "Here, Gabby." What else can I say?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Where to start... Last night Andy and Gabby released the last frog into our pond. We went tadpoling this summer and caught a bunch, which we put in our fish tank. They are the greatest algae eaters made. So last night they both walked to the brook by themselves and I was really proud of them because it was starting to get dark. When they came back they reported that it jumped out of their hands into the brook, only after crawling/hopping up Andy's arm. To see life as a three year old again has me so curious, lately. I guess cause Andy is so fun and easily delighted. I remember when he was born and in the first few months he would get this look on his face which I interpreted as, "What's going to happen next?" Like he was anticipating some great thing. This afternoon we were playing outside and we dubbed a big rock in our yard, "Daddy Long-Leg Rock," because we counted 5 on this single rock! Then we were following another one in the driveway and Andy started going to fast and lost track of it, promptly to realize it was clinging to his barefoot! "Get it off! Where long leg?" he was screaming. Then he wanted to go inside. I don't blame him. When I get the bug willies it is hard to shake them. We also went to a local Apple orchard and picked the most delicious apples with Head Start. What a great trip! I had no idea this place even exsisted!
Gabby is currently trying to sell me a cardboard pet that can do tricks. She demonstrated this winging it into the air and narrowly missing my ear. Then, throughout dinner she was rattling off lists of made up knock knock jokes that make no sense and says, "Get it??" And then Andy copies her. She does have one joke down pat. It goes like this: Knock Knock. Who's there? Interrupting cow. Interrupting cow---Mooo!!!---- Who? She is reading this over my shoulder and just cracking up!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Well, yesterday was another great day. Andy and I put our first compost into the garden for spring! What an exciting time. Andy looked so cute barefoot, work gloves and his little wheelbarrow. He hauled his barrow into the garden and dumped it out and then came back for more. Andy has turned into quite the compassionate little boy. He saves the caterpillars from certain death on the road and the worms off the drive way after a rain. Which he also now knows to put them in the compost bin or pile. Andy's newest antics are to say, "I don't care" and "Nothing...." with a smile on his face. Sometimes I just have to look at him in a certain way and he says, "Nothing...." Like he knows I want to know what he is up to. Gabby, on the other hand, readily tells us about her day. She is begging her teacher for homework, which has been promised to start this week or next. Gabby is becoming a strong reader and loves art. Andy will be the musical one and gabby will be the artistic one. Gabby loves to draw and recently found a "How to draw pets" book in our cabinet and came out with some really good drawings. Currently, she is making an airplane out of a cardboard box. Well, time for bed. For the kiddos, that is... One of my favorite parts of the day. Not just that they are going to bed, but because we get to read together and Gabby reads to us, also. We get to snuggle and just have a relaxed quiet time together. Oh, and Gabby's newest and greatest ideas? She suggested playing a song while they brush their teeth so then would know how long to brush. I thought, what a great idea! She later confessed that she had heard the idea on a TV show. Oh, well, good idea, none the less.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My First Time

No, not THAT first time.... My first time blogging! Not sure how this works, but I kinda know what I want it to look like. I just want to be able to tell my family and close friends what is going on in our lives so we can stay connected. Simple, huh? Nothing mind blowing here....